Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sightings! Maybe...

So I just got back from a walk and I swear I keep seeing Terry around every corner.  On this walk I thought I saw him a number of times hiding in trees.  I called and called for him but he didn't come.  I snapped these pictures with my iPhone so that, once I enlarge them on my personal computer, I can check to see if it was really Toto or not.  Turns out the first two weren't him....I'm still not sure about the last one though...

Has anyone seen him??????????????  I'm going to Rebecca's house for dinner tonight to talk strategy about how to find Toto.

We're going to have Fettucini Alfredo yum! I'm excited and I feel like with all the searching I'm doing, I'll definitely find my lost cat!

I'm off to go search the neighborhood again.



  1. Hey Bea, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think any of those are your cat... But I bet if you keep trying hard you will be able to find him!


  2. That's my mom!

    That racoon actually lives down the street from us. He always has a lot of trash for Paul and I to take and also a real potty mouth.

    kind of a jerk.

    Good luck finding your cat, Bea. I'll keep my eye out for him tomorrow at work. Maybe I've already seen him...
